What is Wing Chun

Wing Chun is a form of martial art that is most effective at close range.

Why Learn Wing Chun

Wing Chun is a Proven System of Fighting and a very Popular Choice for Self-defence?

How to Practice Wing Chun

Read Articles for how to practice Wing Chun and testimonials from students sharing !

Wing Chun 詠春拳 is a form of martial art that is most effective at close range. Wing Chun was developed from around the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) for practical self defence rather than for sport or exhibition. Its characteristic nature is to attack relentlessly when the opportunity arises, while simultaneously neutralizing the opponent’s attack. As such, movements are swift, efficient and economical.

Recent posts will be updated on the right side(i.e. Recent Articles) of this home page, click over the subject matter.

The last class session for the year is on the 9th of December.

There is no lesson on the 16th of December 2024 due to the Christmas festival and lessons resume on the 6th of January 2025.

Wing Chun (Monday) from 8:15 – 9:30 pm and  Tai Chi (Monday)  from 7:45- 8:45 pm.

However, there is NO lesson on any Bank holidays. 

Here are some video clips about the subjects, shown below(created via my old website- i.e. under Cambridge wingchun.file.wordpress.com): 

Above is what Wing Chun can later be used in application if necessary..

Below is a link of me, teaching my student a bit of the ‘Wooden Dummy’ form


Here are some example of what a child can do with a simple art of Wing Chun Kuen:

video src=”https://cambridgewingchun.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/wp_20151214_001.mp4″ /]


Below is a link (click on it and see) of our Chinese Lion dance performed by Sifu Tsang(‘head’) and myself (‘tail’) in a Chinese New Year period, several years ago..
