What is Wing Chun
Wing Chun is a form of martial art that is most effective at close range.
Wing Chun is a form of martial art that is most effective at close range.
Wing Chun is a Proven System of Fighting and a very Popular Choice for Self-defence?
Read Articles for how to practice Wing Chun and testimonials from students sharing !
Here are some video clips about the subjects, shown below(created via my old website- i.e. under Cambridge wingchun.file.wordpress.com):
Above is what Wing Chun can later be used in application if necessary..
Below is a link of me, teaching my student a bit of the ‘Wooden Dummy’ form
Here are some example of what a child can do with a simple art of Wing Chun Kuen:
video src=”https://cambridgewingchun.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/wp_20151214_001.mp4″ /]
Below is a link (click on it and see) of our Chinese Lion dance performed by Sifu Tsang(‘head’) and myself (‘tail’) in a Chinese New Year period, several years ago..