Sifu John Cheung 張耀明師傅
About 20 years ago, I started Wing Chun lessons and had the time to pursue this close-quarter fighting art. In the beginning, I did not know where to get a good lesson and the internet was in its infancy: so at the time, I chose a local club where convenience was paramount. Although, I learned some fundamentals and bad mistakes(later identified). I was frustrated that I didn’t progress much after 3 years of learning! Around this time, I was determined to seek a Sifu and by Chance, met my Sifu Cheung Kwok Wan 張國雲 during a social visit to Southend. I went to his club and observed how he taught his class. Then I joined his class later. I liked his detailed explanation and a few weeks later became his student. A few years later, became his T’ow Dae 徒弟(a title that a Sifu finally accepted him/her as his pupil). I continued to learn with him for another 5 years and attended almost all the Chinese lion dance classes and many public demonstrations. In addition, I have had many private lessons. Eventually, Sifu Kwok Cheung( what he likes people to address him) told me that, I should open a club in my hometown – i.e. Cambridge.
In 2013/2014, I secured a community hall at Arbury Community Centre, Cambridge, and began teaching the art. Initially, it was under the name but due to inflexibility issues, I changed to the present website -i.e. 張氏詠春拳 Though some of my Youtube video clips were still tag under the old website name.
UK South Region Wing Chun Association is my Sifu’s website and is still operational, but it is now limited due to the Pandemic situation (March 2019 – end of 2023).
Below is the basic aims and my desired approach:
UK South Region Wing Chun Association was formed in 2001 and was one of the largest quality Wing Chun Kung Fu association in and around the London and Essex area. The founder of our association is Grandmaster Ip Chun, the eldest son of the late Grandmaster Ip Man, recognised the world over as the undisputed expert in the knowledge and execution of the art of Wing Chun Kuen – Wing Chun fighting art, Ip Chun’s lineage.
Grandmaster Ip Chun, carrying on his father’s legacy has taught many others of which Sifu Kwok Cheung (one of his star pupils and coincidentally my Sifu) was appointed as ‘Chief Instructor’ to run the UK South Region Wing Chun Association daily. After many years of training with Sifu Kwok, I, Sifu John Cheung now run lessons in Cambridge. I am proud of this association and hope to spread my interest and knowledge gained from Wing Chun to the wider public.
SADLY the COVID Pandemic (2019-2023) period caused many Martial Arts Clubs/associations to shut down and the UK South Region Wing Chun Association is no exception!
However, I survived and continued and plough on…
My personal goals and that of :
• To teach students not just the technical mechanic of motions but the history and philosophy – the state of mind needed for good Wing Chun.
• Teach in both English and in Cantonese, the traditional way.
• Teach the practitioners to be smart and adaptable. Be open minded about Wing Chun as well as other form of martial arts. Practice, Practice and Practice!
The was my old website address but does not allow me to make changes hence this new site: However, I still kept the old one which acts as an advertising board.
Contact Please Email Sifu John Cheung or alternatively call on 07921 559730