Video clips

Simple explanation of chain punches 基本講述連環拳 Wing Chun fighting/sparing, like all martial arts, need to be fast, accurate and explosive(where required)詠春拳攻守連綿丶直搗黄龍。


In general, the number one enemy to a serious martial artist is the high fat and sugar content in food. Majority of these types of food are very tasty; like rich smooth chocolates, matured cheese, creamy cakes, crispy prawns, spicy chicken, roasted lamb, crispy duck and the list is endless. In addition, there are plenty

Wing Chun and I

I came to the UK as a teenager, not knowing the language and very much a fish out of water. This move was a personal struggle at first requiring effort and perseverance. However, life is funny: what starts off as easy generally becomes difficult and what began as a difficult task; usually becomes easy with


It is unfortunate that the spelling of Wing Chun and its pronunciation is still being confused in this age of information. The confusion comes from historical poor translation into English to give ‘Wing Tsun’ and a misunderstanding that the same Chinese character set is pronounced differently in Mandarin to give ‘Yong Chun’ as opposed to

WING CHUN LITTLE KNOWN FACTS 張氏詠春 The Chinese character set is AB can sometime be seen as CB or even DB where B is the word that literately means spring (season). The difference between A, C and D are: A is the Cantonese version, C is the Mandarin version and that both are like English syllable, requiring character B

SIU LIM TAO (小念頭), THE FIRST FORM 張氏詠春 Translated this means ‘little ideas’ and is the first Wing Chun Form; the bed rock to all Wing Chun hand technique. It introduces correct hand placement, the theory ofthe centre line and strengthens the mind and body in preparations for the other forms. It consists of around 108 hand techniques depending on which

TRAINING EQUIPMENT FOR THE ENTHUSIAST 張氏詠春 There are four pieces of training equipment that all Wing Chun enthusiast needs to know. The four pieces of equipment consists of three that are prerequisites to Wing Chun Form while the remaining fourth is a tool to produce better Wing Chun. The list is as follows: The Butterfly Knives The Wooden Dummy

CAMBRIDGE WING CHUN KUEN(old name) – CHEUNG’S WING CHUN 張氏詠春拳 – THE SIMILARITIES OF FENCING AND WING CHUN 劍擊與詠春 張氏詠春 Our first sporting hobby was fencing at Cambridge Fencing school in the 1980s. We got involved with Wing Chun later but quickly recognised, like Bruce Less who actually studied fencing to develop his JeetKeun Do Kung Fu, that there are a number of similarities between fencing and the art of Wing Chun. To